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CONDO CONVERSION? VERY POSSIBLE! This is your chance to transform these 8 units into unique, high demand living spaces. With a complete renovation, you can design the layouts to fit your vision, attracting tenants who appreciate modern and comfortable living. Income Potential: Unlock substantial rental income by creating appealing, updated spaces. The potential returns are significant, and you have the creative freedom to set the rents at market rates, ensuring a solid return on investment. Ideal Location: Situated in a desirable location for both business and top market rent this property is primed for long-term growth. Take advantage of the area's potential and position your investment for success. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity! Make an offer today. Lot to the left of the property is city owned. Available for private sale through the city of Holyoke. Buyer/buyer rep to conduct due diligence on price, process to purchase lot next door, zoning, etc.

Property Details of 289-291 Main Street

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